Kudzu Root: Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects

kudzu to stop drinking

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Alcohol Detox: Guidelines for Successfully Detoxifying from Alcohol

  • People should consult with their doctor to determine if it is the right drug for their alcohol dependence.
  • Kudzu, whose scientific name is Pueraria mirfica, is a vine used in Chinese medicine for a variety of health promoting purposes.
  • Some of them were given a dose of 2g of kudzu extract with an active isoflavones content of 520mg almost three hours before a drinking session in which up they could choose to consume up to 6 beers, water or fruit juices.
  • Furthermore, it’s likely that the suggested doses for kudzu root will vary depending on the manufacturer and the type of supplement you may be considering.
  • The Chinese noticed that people who consumed the plant started to drink less.

Alcohol withdrawal can begin within hours of ending a drinking session. Lukas and Lee applied for, and were granted, a patent for kudzu extract to treat alcohol abuse and dependence. McLean Hospital has licensed the production of kudzu extract (NPI-031) to Natural Pharmacia International (NPI), Inc. and they are marketing it as Alkontrol-Herbal®. All other authors declare that they have no actual or potential conflict of interest that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, this work. Keung, not directly involved in Lukas’ study, said he has extracted a compound from kudzu root that he hopes to turn into a drug for reducing alcoholics’ cravings. McLean Hospital has licensed the production of kudzu extract (NPI-031) to Natural Pharmacie International (NPI), Inc. and they are marketing it as Alkontrol-Herbal®.

Alcohol use disorder

The placebo-treated group opened 33 beers during baseline conditions and 38 following treatment whereas the kudzu-treated group opened 32 beers during baseline conditions and only 21 following treatment. Drinking data were collected using a small wristwatch-like device (ActiWatch® https://ecosoberhouse.com/ Score, MiniMitter Co., OR) and daily diaries. The ActiWatch has a small button and digital LED faceplate and participants wore the device 24 hours a day for the entire 8-week study and were asked to record all drug and alcohol use by pressing the button to enter the proper code.

How much is too much alcohol?

If you experience any adverse reactions while using kudzu, consult your healthcare provider promptly. None of the subjects had any side effects from mixing kudzu with beer. After the first session, some subjects received capsules of kudzu, others a placebo. Kudzu root has also shown to help regulate glucose, AKA sugar, in the blood, Beckerman says. One particular ingredient in the vine called puerarin is what guides the glucose to spread away from fat cells and blood vessels and into other areas of the body where it’s needed, such as your muscles. The most popular forms available appear to be powdered drink mixes, capsules, disintegrating tablets, and liquid extract drops.

kudzu to stop drinking

Exclusive Lifestyle, Nutrition & Health Advice

kudzu to stop drinking

Harvard researchers first discovered the anti-drinking effects of the kudzu extract in 2005. Previous studies had shown that kudzu extracts reduced alcohol drinking in rats and hamsters. In this study, researchers tested the effect of kudzu extract on drinking by humans in a naturalistic setting. This study provides additional evidence that an extract of the kudzu root significantly reduces alcohol consumption by human participants and confirms that this botanical medication may be a safe and effective adjunct pharmacotherapy for treating alcohol use disorders. Drinking was recorded using a custom built end table that contained a digital scale beneath a ceramic tile insert in the tabletop (Ohaus model #B10P with I5S controller). Participants were instructed to always keep the beer glass on the table except when taking a sip.

Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of potential life lost, United States, 2001

The study was conducted on 14 men and women, average age 24 years, in a “laboratory” apartment where each person was allowed to drink as many as six beers. After determining how much each person drinks normally, half were given a capsule of kudzu or an inactive pill, or placebo. If a person wants to reduce their alcohol or tobacco intake, kudzu root is recommended because its active principles (daidzin, daidzein and puerarin) are effective in helping to combat desire to consume kudzu to stop drinking alcohol or nicotine. Although there is no specific medicine to combat alcoholism or tobacco addition, through herbal medicine such as kudzu root extract, phytotherapy seeks to offer remedies for the problems caused by society’s excesses. Extracts of kudzu root have been used in Asia since around 600 AD to curb addiction and to improve the body’s overall wellbeing. The BDI and BAI scores remained unchanged during the course of treatment with both kudzu extract and placebo.

kudzu to stop drinking

  • Kudzu is an invasive weed that has also been used to treat alcoholism for well over one thousand years.
  • In addition, the wrist actigraphy device was programmed to provide an audible “beep” every 3 hours ± 20 minutes to which the participant was required to enter a number between 0 (no desire) to 10 (greatest desire ever) to record his desire to drink alcohol AT THAT TIME.
  • It is usually treated with over-the-counter medications, but kudzu might be a more natural option.
  • Because of this effect, it might also be helpful for people who have quit drinking and want to make sure that a potential slip doesn’t become a full-blown relapse.
  • Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which is why it gives you that pleasant, relaxed feeling.
  • Try to think about what you’ll replace alcohol with so that you can still get that outlet.” Instead of meeting friends regularly at a bar to connect and wind down, suggest a new workout class you could do together or just meet up for a walk.

Any effect kudzu root extract may have on sleep is an important consideration for administration of this preparation as a potential medication to treat alcohol dependence. This double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial tested the effects of kudzu root extract on the sleep/wake cycles of a population who continued to drink in their normal pattern, and thus were not experiencing withdrawal-related sleep disturbances. These participants were moderate drinkers and were not attempting to decrease alcohol intake, thus enabling assessment of the impact of kudzu root extract alone on sleep quality and quantity. Regardless of the mechanism of action, the present finding that a modest, single dose of kudzu extract reduces binge drinking has profound implications as it offers a unique opportunity for early intervention for problem drinkers. As an herbal plant extract, kudzu can be made available without a prescription.

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